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Book 7 from the series 'East London Photo Stories'
‘Columbia Road’ by Johanna Neurath. 96pp hardcover, quarter-bound, gold foiled,199 x 139 mm
This book is also available to buy as a Collector's Edition here.
East London photographer Johanna Neurath has ventured down Hackney’s Columbia Road nearly every Sunday for the past ten years to visit its flower market. Rather than depicting the obvious prettiness of people and their flowers Neurath turns her attention to the colour and pattern left behind as the market clears out, focussing on strangely beautiful displays in gutters, hazy reflections in windows and the abstract forms created by fag butts and polystyrene cups strewn across the road.
This book fuses still life and street photography to celebrate the beauty and chaos of one of East London's most famous markets.
Johanna Neurath can proudly say that she was born within the sound of Bow bells and has been a Hackney citizen for all of her adult life. Design Director at an international art book publishers and a self-confessed image junkie, type nerd and bibliophile, she has worked in publishing for more than 25 years as a book designer, picture editor, typographer and commissioning editor. On high days and holidays she takes her own street photographs. This is the first book of her own images.
ISBN: 978-1-910566-01-5
EU customers, please note VAT may apply on delivery. More info can be found here.
'An Opinionated Guide to Erotic Art' by Elise Bell. 152pp, hardback, 129 x 180mm.
Sex is everywhere – yet its depiction remains steeped in taboo. This bold and opinionated guide uncovers 62 of the most daring erotic artworks, from the titillating to the downright profane, revealing how these pieces not only challenge societal boundaries but also reflect our most enduring desires and fantasies.
This book is carbon neutral. This is the first edition.
ISBN: 978-1-914314-71-1
EU customers, please note VAT may apply on delivery. More info can be found here.
'A Very Vintage Christmas, Photographs 1900-1980', 144pp, cloth spine, 196 x 156mm. Images sourced from several archives. With an introduction by Lucy Davies.
Whether your childhood involved cut-paper snowflakes, carols sung by an open fire or stockings stuffed with chocolate, this nostalgic collection of vintage photography from around the world will remind you of the steadfast magic, warmth and wonder of Christmas.
Book design by Friederike Huber.
This book is carbon neutral. This is the first edition.
ISBN: 978-1-914314-79-7
EU customers, please note VAT may apply on delivery. More info can be found here.
'An Opinionated Guide to Wine London'. Text by Tom Howells. 176pp, paperback, 112 x 162mm. Contains 65 places, an introduction, and a 'best for...'
Passionate about pét-nat? Bonkers about beaujolais? Or just a fan of sitting somewhere lovely and sharing a bottle with good people? This is your boldly opinionated guide to the best places to buy and drink wine in and around London - Old World, New World and everything in between.
This book is carbon neutral. This is the first edition.
ISBN: 978-1-914341-77-3
EU customers, please note VAT may apply on delivery. More info can be found here.
'An Opinionated Guide to London'. Text by Emmy Watts. 240pp, paperback, 112 x 162mm. Contains 90 places, walks, an introduction, and a 'best for...'
This is our love letter to the ludicrously lovely city of London: a simple, short but deliciously opinionated guide to our very favourite places to visit, whether your stay is for a weekend, or for life.
This book is carbon neutral. This is the first edition.
ISBN: 978-1-914314-74-2